Last Updated 3 years by Shariful Alam Pavel
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What is CBD (cannabidiol)?
People across the world don’t know much about the compound CBD that originated from Marijuana/Hemp plant (scientifically cannabis plants). Well in this article we are gonna try to explain from the root. We will try to explain everything beginning with what is CBD? and with the best reference, we have from our research on the web and practical experience from people.
What is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol and it is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid compound. This chemical compound promptly triggers the receptor of the human brain and body. The phytocannabinoids are produced from cannabis plants and we use them for several medicinal purposes.
Origin: CBD (cannabidiol) the clinical trade name is Eidiolex, Epidolex and it was discovered in 1940. The structure was discovered in the year 1963. It was researched and identified from 134 of several cannabis plants. There is another compound called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that also occurred in the plant. Mainly marijuana is enriched with THC and CBD. Another plant is called hemp in this same group contains a little amount of THC.
Like CBD & THC there are other cannabis derived compounds like CBC, CBG, CBN, etc.
Why CBD?
From its origin to till now CBD becomes the fastest-growing medicinal compound. People are getting used to CBD products day by day and also get the benefit from them.
Mainly people are using CBD oil and other products because it is proven that they could cure some serious diseases. Diseases are treated differently in many countries like in the US cannabidiol is used as the treatment of seizures associated with dravet syndrome, Lennox-gastaut syndrome also tuberous sclerosis complex among people of one year age and older. In europian union countries, the treatment of the same disease is for more than two years of age or more.
Many countries also have some other uses of cannabidiol like neurological disorders and some claim that CBD use can be fruitful for the treatment of cancer; further research is still needed.

Legalization of Cannabidiol
At the beginning of the CBD research, it was not as popular as today. In the united states, it is popular most parts of the states. In Canada, it is now legal in most of the states by limit, and people getting used to it. In December 2015 US government allows the researcher to research the CBD trials and since then it has beings some good effects on the country. Seeing them many other countries also trying to decide on legalizing CBD and medical marijuana or medical cannabis.
State medical marijuana laws are different from state to state. One should know about the respective state before using desired products as per the controlled substances act for safety concerns.
Uses and Benefits of CBD
In medical terms, Cannabidiol is being widely used as the treatment of many childhood epilepsy syndromes like dravet syndrome, Lennox-gastaut syndrome also in some cases it can stop the number of seizures. The common uses of CBD are against anxiety, insomnia, sleeping problems, and chronic pain. People with such problems don’t know much about their treatments and yet they are suffering from it constantly. Doctors prescribing Cannabidiol to their patients is increasing day by day and yet it is getting popular all across the world.
The amount of Cannabidiol prescribed by a doctor will help people & it is proven. You can rely on your doctor about the prescribed dosages.
There is no intoxicating effect ever recorded on CBD or THC of the cannabis plant. Medical marijuana has not yet been proven as a toxic element and that’s why people can use it with the number of doses their doctor prescribes.
However, there is some side effect of it like nausea, irritability, fatigue, and sometimes hallucinations. People should bear in mind that it is prescribed and sold as a supplement, not as a medication. CBD is found in the cannabis tree and they also contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which could cause hallucination. Without these, there is no effect recorded for the use of Cannabidiol.
Several studies found that a combination of CBD and THC can be effective in treating multiple sclerosis and arthritis. “Sativex” a prescription drug, which uses CBD as an active ingredient, is helpful for multiple sclerosis and cancer pain. Researchers also noted that Sativex may be beneficial for MS-associated(multiple sclerosis) neuropathic pain.
Uses as food and beverages
In the year 2017, there were many food and beverages in the stores containing CBD. Hemp seed that doesn’t contain THC more than 0.3 percent standard was declared safe by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) in the year 2018. In the year 2019 food or drinks containing CBD were selling in the US local market.
Moreover, food like cake, biscuits, beverages, or other food could contain CBD. CBD legal or hemp products can be only legal when the plant has not more than 0.3 percent THC.
CBD oil
Another important and interesting product found from the cannabis plant is CBD oil. Nowadays it is one of the most popular buzzes in the market due to its many natural quality and medicinal purpose. It is made from the cannabis plant, just like the process of any other oil like coconut or olive. But this oil contains a large amount of CBD which is not psychoactive like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The medical researcher team still researching CBD oil and they gathered some interesting benefits of this oil.
Let’s jump about the benefit of CBD oil
For pain relief
From the ancient era marijuana has been used to treat as a strong pain reliever. Medical cannabis produces CBD and also there is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) they alone could cure some of the serious chronic pain and muscle pain also.
There were several tests among hundreds of people for 10 to 12 weeks and the results were pretty awesome. Most people with chronic pain and muscle pain release from their pain and get better sleep at the night. So the main fact is that CBD with THC will give you a better experience in reducing pain and it will give you a peaceful sleep at night.
A study suggests that it can suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors.
Works well in anxiety and depression
People suffering from many serious anxiety problems and depression know how it is to be like that. From WHO (world health organization) it was declared that only depression is one of the main disabilities that could harm your life badly. It also increases drowsiness, headache, agitation, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction.
Clinically you can reduce this pain by consulting a medical expert who will prescribe you some medicines. but these medicines have some serious side effects which will result in a great problem for the future. It will not happen in the CBD case, the oil has shown good results. Without any side effect its magically reduce some of the serious problems like anxiety, headache, depression, and so on. For insomnia or sleeping problems you name it CBD oil will help you in the long run you just need to use the right amount of doses. In addition, it may help reduce anxiety disorders & post traumatic stress disorder; mostly beneficial for young people.
Can reduce symptoms related to cancer/cancer treatment
It is more important that you have the pre-caution about cancer and other many serious diseases. Cancer itself is the most deadly disease on this planet and researchers doing their best to make it stop. Till then now we are straggling with the matter. The oil is the only compound that is alone can reduce some of the most causes problems in the treatment of cancer and it is being tasted among many peoples around the world.
Researchers find the conclusion that people with cancer need chemotherapy and they suffer a lot while in this process.CBD alone can help to reduce nausea during this chemotherapy. Some researches have shown that out that CBD can induce cell death in human breast cancer cells. Also researching with several animals, researchers get the same good results about CBD that it can reduce cancer related pain.
Many researchers considers that CBD can be a potential anticancer drug.
Showing promising good results in heart diseases
Heart disease is one of the most common problems among people. Several studies show that CBD can be helpful with the treatment of high blood pressure. Since blood pressure can be lethal to the human body and might end with many problems, It surprisingly reduces the problem and the test subject were cured after taking the right amount of doses. Also, CBD can help with low blood pressure problems.
Curing some serious neurological problems
In the countries where CBD is legal nowadays, it’s used everywhere from food to health treatment. Promisingly it’s able to succeed the matter and shows good results. Some of the life-ending neurological disorders were recorded and they were cured after using the CBD with the right amount.
In the research among 276 people, we see that more than 75% of the people were cured of muscle spasticity. Another study shows that it is extremely helpful with seizures and could reduce it in half amount.
Besides, CBD was helpful among people with having symptoms like antipsychotic effects, substance abuse treatments, curing tumors, and other serious issues.
Side effects
There are no intoxicating effect/adverse effects or dangerous side effects ever recorded on CBD or THC. There is no doubt that the effects of CBD have an impact on our well being; though taking CBD might have some side effects. Medical marijuana has not yet been proven as a toxic element and that’s why people can use it with the number of doses their doctor prescribes. But one should listen to a specialist’s advice before taking any cannabis derived products.
However, there is some side effect of It like nausea, irritability, fatigue, and sometimes hallucinations. People should know that it is a supplement, not Medicine.
In addition, there is very limited research on the interactions between CBD products and herbs/other medications or other plant-based products in dietary supplements. Consumers must be cautious using hemp derived CBD products with herbs or any other dietary supplements depending on their health conditions.
Nonprescription CBD products can be harmful; before using any carefully go through its review and check it on the list of FDA approved drugs.
Last but least
When we heard the name “CBD” we should know that there is a lot of controversy about the compound. Most of the countries have not yet been legalized it because of the traditional use of marijuana. But when people know that it has the most health benefits they are getting excited about CBD. So CBD is good for health and hopes it will bring some new doors of hope in the future.
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